Free Didgeridoo Track

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This "Didgeridoo for Birth" track can be downloaded and used if you are giving birth, experiencing physical pain of ANY kind or experiencing “negative” emotional states. The didgeridoo sound creates a long, continuous, deep sounding drone, rich in harmonics which is perfect for supporting you to groan, moan and tone along with. As you tone with the Didgeridoo, the sounds will support you to ride and release any pain!

See below for more ideas!

About Didgeridoos

The Aboriginal didgeridoo (didjeridu, dijeridu, yidaki) is a long, wooden wind instrument or horn used traditionally by the aboriginal people of Northern Australia. Rock paintings on caves have established that the didgeridoo has been used as a musical instrument for at least 20,000 years. It is made from a tree branch, usually eucalyptus, hollowed out by termites. Branches cut into varying lengths produce instruments with different pitches. The mouthpiece is usually made of beeswax or resin.

The rich tones of the didgeridoo are created by the vibrating of the player's lips. Since every branch has its own unique shape, no two didgeridoos sound exactly alike. The didgeridoo is almost unique in the world of music in its use of a technique called circular breathing. This allows the player to breathe while producing continuous sound.

During this process, the player allows his cheeks to fill with air, like a bellows. Then, in one quick step, the player releases that stored air while quickly inhaling through the nose, refilling the lungs. This breathing technique is often used along with subtle tongue and lip movements and the voice to create energetic rhythmic patterns.

Benefits of Listening to the Didgeridoo

The sound of the didgeridoo can be very powerful, often inducing a trance state in the player as well as the listener. It has been found to be hypnotic, primal, calming, energising, soothing and mesmerising, which are all important states to be in not only when giving birth but during our every day lives.

How to Use this Track

I chose to give you this didgeridoo MP3 rather than a crystal singing bowl MP3 because the sounds of the bowls are VERY difficult to capture in a recording due to their highly resonant quality, whereas the didgeridoo sounds a lot more like a didgeridoo should sound when recorded.

To get the best sound experience, you really need to have a real-life crystal singing bowl (or any other instrument!) playing in the room WITH you... so you can hear the pure sound as well as FEEL the vibrations going to and through your body.

A recording of ANY instrument (especially a crystal singing bowl) can NEVER give you the same experience as having a "live" instrument. If you have ever been to a musical concert of any kind I'm sure you will appreciate what I am trying to say. It's not only about the instrument, it's also the fact that another human being is connecting with that instrument and playing it just for you! A recording just can't do that!

Having said that, this recording is perfect for:

  • practicing toning with before the birth.

  • toning with during labour - you can use a crystal singing bowl too of course. Just keep this playing in the background.

  • to keep you focused if feeling anxious or in pain or if you just need to relax.

  • masking out disturbing sounds in the hospital environment … or ANY environment.

  • Using as background music if you facilitate sound journeys.

Who Created This Track?

Julian Silburn from Perth Western Australia played the didgeridoo for this track.

Click here to find out more about his transformative sound healing work.

Scott Mitchell recorded and added extra sounds to the didgeridoo track.

Toning is simple and a very efficient way to relax and now you also have the transformative sound of a didgeridoo to accompany you!

With Love and Sound

Nicole Lloyd